Convergence Culture by Henry Jenkins
(MIT) must be
one of my all-time favorite business books. Just finished reading it. Just
awesome ! This is a milestone book integrating the thoughts, ideas and insights
from seminal works like Howard Rheingolds' Smart Mobs, Yochai Benklers' Wealth of Networks, Chris Andersons' The Long Tail, Joseph Pine IIs The Experience
Economy and David Weinbergers/Doc Searls' The
Cluetrain Manifesto.
Not only integrates but extends in certain ways as can be seen below in some
quotes from this amazing book. Themes in the book are: reality TV, machinima,, gaming, transmedia storystelling, fan culture, The Matrix,
mash-ups, The Sims, alternative reality games, Idols, Survivor, Big Brother,
beta reading, Star Wars, anime, Harry Potter, Twin Peaks, The Apprentice, Lord
of the Rings, fair use policy, comics, DRM, Crouching Tiger/Hidden Dragon,
X-Files, Pokemon and Yellow Arrows. Highly recommended reading !
“Transmedia storystelling is the art of
world making. To fully experience any fictional world, consumers must assume
the role of hunters and gatherers, chasing down bits of the story across media
channels, comparing notes with each other via online discussion groups and
collaborating to ensure that everyone who invests time and effort will come
away with a richer entertainment experience. The new knowledge culture has
arisen as our ties to older forms of social community are breaking down.
Think of these debates as exercises in popular epistemology. As we learn how to live within a knowledge culture, we can anticipate many such discussions centering as much on how we know and how we evaluate what we know as on the information itself. Ways of knowing may be as distinctive and personal as what kinds of knowledge we access but as knowing becomes public, as knowing becomes part of the life of a community, those contradictions in approach must be worked over if not worked through.”
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