Linda Stone - one of the visionaries I like - demonstrates value in this post on our evolving needs concerning technology. The below quote resonates strongly with the thinking of Howard Rheingold, Michael Moon (Trust Networks) and Chris Anderson. The Long Tail shows us the different ((filtering) tools for connecting niche demand with nice content will be more important in the future. Examples: recommendation engines, ratings, reviews, rankings, search etc. Linda Stone agrees with that but shows that The Long Tail probably in most cases won't expand the demand curve significantly as people will increasingly see the value in being disconnected and be more selective in their (technology) consumption. And that in particular resonates with the current countertrend of spirituality and stillness which in my view are in many ways key to the bring the Creative Class to the next level. Protection can enhance creative capabilities.
"Which is why, just as we made a shift from productivity—all about
me—self-expression in 1965-1985 to connect, connect, connect and the
network as the center of gravity from 1985-2005, we are on the edge of
the next shift. And a new set of opportunities. Connect, connect, connect has brought us to a place where we feel overwhelmed, over-stimulated and unfulfilled. We want protection, we want more filtering, we want a sense of
meaning and belonging—this is the pendulum shift that emerges. These
qualities characterize the products and services we want, the marketing
messages that resonate with us and the types of leaders and corporate
cultures that engage us. We have gone from an era of creating
opportunity in 1965-1985 to scanning for opportunity in 1985-2005, to
now, discerning opportunity in 2005-2025. We have gone from asking what do I have to gain to asking what do I have to lose?
We want to protect and be protected. We want to sort through noise
effectively to find signal. We want Tivo. We want to wear an iPod as
much to listen to our own playlists as to BLOCK out the rest of the
world and protect ourselves from all that noise. We want to TRUST the companies we buy
from. People (eg, Technorati) are starting to talk about networks of interconnected communities—a little more manageable than the me and the rest of the world network we've been mixing with.
Whether it's products or services, recruiting strategies,
leadership, marketing or coporate cultures, we will increasingly be
inclined to resonate with messages of meaning, belonging, protection,
and trust.
For the last two decades, give or take, ease of use has been the
mantra of every technology columnist, every product manager in every
high tech. company. It's good. But it's no longer good enough. The new mantra, the new differentiator, the new opportunity for all of us is: improves quality of life.
Does this product, service, feature, message—enhance and improve our
quality of life? Does it help us protect, filter, create a meaningful
connection? Discern? Use our attention as well and as wisely as we
possibly can?
Dee Hock, back in 1996, said:
- Noise becomes data when it has a cognitive pattern.
- Data becomes information when assembled into a coherent whole, which can be related to other information.
- Information becomes knowledge when integrated with other
information in a form useful for making decisions and determining
- Knowledge becomes understanding when related to other knowledge in a manner useful in anticipating, judging and acting.
- Understanding becomes wisdom when informed by purpose, ethics, principles, memory and projection.
Seems to me, our opportunity is to move from being knowledge workers to becoming understanding and wisdom workers. Quality of life: the new benchmark."
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