Wired has some food for thought with their predictions for the year 2007 in this post. Below some quotes I totally agree with, except for the remark on the demise of Digg (most people just wanna vote if it is kept really simple) and the idea of Friends 2.0 (too much coordination costs in a time-constrained world).
My 2 cents concerning the predictions for 2007 are:
- The introduction of the Nokia N95 will be a milestone in the evolution of the mobile Internet, especially for GPS, mobile music (instead of the iPod), Google Maps and mobile social software (MoSoSo). RFID and barcodes will be successful in 2008.\
- Google Earth will become a more natural way to search in more and more instances relative to text-based search engines.
- The social, informal economy (a.o. word of mouth) will rise relative to the market economy. This means the relative role of recommendations and other social filters will increase.
- P2P will drive the entertainment business towards parallel multiple distribution channels for movies. So a new movie is released globally on the same day and after seeing the movie in the theatre you can directly buy the DVD or buy it for your vPod or mobile phone.
- The Venice Project will be one of the biggest successes of 2007 delivering state of the art P2P TV streams on demand while integrating different Web 2.0 features like chat and ratings.
- The use of wikis for different commercial activities like campaign concepting and R&D will be on the rise. Consumers and prospects co-develop for advertisers instead of external agencies and/or internal creative teams. Peer review is included.
- Media will be even more open source than ever including process transparency with its readers.
- Branding will be more sales driven and ROI based than ever. Google is in the sweatspot for this as it becomes more like a traditional offline media agency delivering ads on radio and print. All marketing will become more performance-based.
- Social Media Optimization (SMO) besides SEO will be become standard.
- Remix / mashup culture will be stronger than in 2006. Mashup tools will cultivate this even more. Jumpcut / Yahoo will benefit relative to YouTube.
- eLearning and Transformation will be key emergent themes in 2007. Peer review driven websites that help users in discovering their identity, talents, motivation etc. will be a major success.
- Group Buying (dated from 1998) will be reintroduced as a concept and this time be more successful
- "Speaking of, digital video recorders get BitTorrent baked in, bringing internet video to the living room.
A major newspaper gives up printing on paper to publish exclusively online.
HD-DVD is the clear winner over Blu-ray in the DVD format wars. Oh yeah, and the PS3 is a bust.
Digg holds out for a big payday but ends up like Friendster (i.e., no friends).
Encouraged by the news, the internet becomes home to 5,000 clones of Friends, shot by friends using their friends but unwatched even by their friends.
The New York Times opens its archives from behind the paid firewall, realizing it's more lucrative to be the internet's paper of record than charging readers for individual stories.
MySpace splinters as teens head for niche sites. New services that control profiles across multiple social networking sites begin to take off."
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