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Sunday, 12 August 2007



We will soon have more Bruce in video at our first Korean event!

The conference will be free, so if you can come to Seoul you'll get another free dose of inspiration :)

Yuri van Geest

Thanks. I have no plans as yet to attend. Looking forward to the Bruce vid !

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hello friend congratulation you did a great work with this post about ruce Sterling on Spimes, the Internet of Things, GeoWeb, RFID, Cradle to Cradle and the Future of the Web

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Highly recommended as this is in my view one of his best presentations I have seen so far.

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Great post, I referenced it in a post I just completed http://tastethecloud.com/content/internet-things-augmented-reality>. One of the most interesting things is the relationship between the Internet of Things and Augmented Reality, they seem to be bound by the same fundamental requirements in both technology and adoption. Thanks for the post.

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What if the Suri kid is ugly and they're too embarassed to show the thing off? Santa, that's what I want for Christmas. I've beeen a very good girl, I've worked very hard, I'm a nice person...PLEASE let Suri be ugly as my reward.

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Paella always make me think of speey gonzalez for some reason!!! Andale andale ariba!! This looks gorgeous, remember having it in Barcelona and loving it! I'm so glad you tried it out. I was thinking about this recipe just the other day, I have to do it again soon.
I made this yesterday and it was yum! Thank you.


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Costa Rica is an excellent country to invest in real estate its economy is very stable, being a peaceful country and have their exuberant nature makes it much more attractive to invest

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What if the Suri kid is ugly and they're too embarassed to show the thing off? Santa, that's what I want for Christmas. I've beeen a very good girl, I've worked very hard, I'm a nice person...PLEASE let Suri be ugly as my reward.

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Santa, that's what I want for Christmas. I've beeen a very good girl, I've worked very hard, I'm a nice person...PLEASE let Suri be ugly as my reward.

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Santa, that's what I want for Christmas. I've beeen a very good girl, I've worked very hard, I'm a nice person...PLEASE let Suri be ugly as my reward.

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Actually Sterling has a habit of coining neologisms to describe things which he believes will be common in the future, especially items which already exist in limited numbers.

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