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Friday, 04 May 2007



Too bad nearly all of the ideas are downright unusable outside geek-world.

Neil Vineberg

Some very good thoughts here.

Yuri van Geest


Thanks for your comment. I think you have a point here to a certain extent. However, I do believe the stated geeky stuff will evolve to the mainstream within 2-3 years in most cases. Besides, my view on communication/marketing is based primarily on the historic evidence that the first three years of a new marketing/communications tool are the most interesting for an advertiser in terms of :
- less competition and clutter
- bigger PR impact
- lower costs/prices
- higher response rates
Example: Search Ads.
This is a simplification. Still, it is insightful in my view.

Which tools are geeky, niche at this point in time ? 5,7,13,14,15,16,18,19,21,22,24,26 and 29.

Which tools are mainstream already in terms of usage or impact (directly or indirectly by SEO/social media optimization) ?
The others in my view, especially SEO, Search Ads, Targeted Affiliate Marketing (RightMedia variant), Online/Offline Events and Content Publication in key outlets.

Tom van Brunschot

Great overview to generate new ideas! Thanks.

Staci Burruel

Link baiting seems to be a pretty good tool for advertising. Combining other tools for advertising with link baiting can also be a good idea. You can post content regularly on your social network page, then leave relevant links. People would usually check the humorous stuff on the Internet. If you could combine humor with your reputable content, then that's going to be doubly awesome.

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