Global warming is not only a spiritual, humanitarian, environmental and economic issue but also one of 'national' security. It is evidently the most salient topic of our time (see also the World Economic Forum this year). More information on this issue in this post from the International Herald Tribune. Clearly, this is a very important piece of information as it will probably boost the actionability of the US in this respect despite the Kyoto protocol.
"The CIA and the Pentagon would for the first time be required to assess the national security implications of climate change under proposed legislation intended to elevate global warming to a national defense issue. The effort would include pinpointing the regions at highest risk of humanitarian suffering and assessing the likelihood of wars erupting over diminishing water and other resources.
The measure also would order the Pentagon to undertake a series of war games to determine how global climate change could affect U.S. security, including "direct physical threats to the United States posed by extreme weather events such as hurricanes."