Stunning. Cost-effective and practical holographic video is around the corner. More in this link from Technology Review. I used to think the development of holographic storage and video would take many years to come. Somehow MIT is advancing faster than predicted. How does it work ? The modulator converts a video signal into a vibration. When laser light is passed through the modulator, the vibrations modify the brightness and frequency of the light. The altered light is then shined on a screen, and the varying intensities and frequencies create a three-dimensional hologram.
What does this mean ? Will 3D video become mainstream across the board ? (e.g. 3D TV, 3D movies, 3D Web (Web 3.0; Google Earth+SketchUp as well as Second Life) and 3D printers). Or does 2D still provide most value while the different 3D propositions fill in niche applications ? When is 2D best and when 3D ? In my view 3D will become standaard within 10 years across the board due to the enriched experience, lower costs and practical benefits. And when will (smart) mobile devices become 3D ? And which exciting eMarketing videos can be made using holography ?
"The tyranny of two-dimensional computer and TV displays could soon be over. A team of MIT researchers has proposed a way to make a holographic video system that works with computer hardware for consumers, such as PCs with graphics cards and gaming consoles. The display, the researchers say, will be small enough to add to an entertainment center, provide resolution as good as a standard analog television, and cost only a couple hundred dollars.
A holographic video display could provide another way to view medical images such as MRIs and CT scans, as well as sets of complex, multidimensional data and designs for furniture and cars, says V. Michael Bove Jr., director of the consumer electronics program, CELab, at MIT. And the system would be a natural fit for displaying video games and virtual worlds."